Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Out to eat

So i went out to diner with my friend Sara and I got her a gift while I was in Ohio because her B-day was on Monday. So I got her a shot glass before I came home that was from THE Ohio State and she opens it up and was like what is this....the only reason I didn't look at her like she was crazy was because she is trying to get pregnant. So I was like I got it while in Ohio... she looked at me like the sun had come out and she was like ohhh yeah you were in Ohio. Ok Sara not only took me to the airport but picked me up too. So I thought that was crazy.

We went out to eat at Red Lobster. We had the best waiter...he kept us in cheesy biscuits. Not only that but we both got a bag of biscuits to take home that had instructions on the back on how to heat them up correctly. I mean I couldn't have been happier. Not only that a guy at the table next to us gave us a four dollar off coupon. So it was a fantastic night all around.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

First time blog

I just talked with Sarah to ge me started with this because obviously I am out of the loop.

I can guaruntee you nothing fancy and no frills. And the warning that I lead a currently boring life. I have 3 weeks of school left and then I will be moving back home to MD. So I have graduation, final exams, working, and in between all of that I have to find time to pack. Always fun, right. So this will be sporatic at best for the first little while and then hopefully gain more momentum, but who knows.

That is it for now. I have been functioning on an hour and a half's worth of sleep because I was writing a draft of a research paper last night so I am going to veg. in front of the TV and then crash before to much longer.