Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I have a new cat!!!!

So I should be telling you about my wonderful trip to Ohio. But last night I was out to dinner and my friend, Nicole, and I went to the petsmart behind the restaurant. I was going to look but I had no plans of getting a cat, just looking. But this cat was perfect...we just clicked. It was nice. He is skinny but what fat he had was being pushed through the bars at me. And Nicole was like it won't hurt to take him out of the cage. So they opened the cage for me and I picked him up and he let me :) and I touched his paws and all he did is purr. It was so nice. So then I was like I have to get him I don't think I could have not taken him home with me. So I had to put him back in the cage so that I could fill out the paperwork. Then he was mad at me for putting him back in and he wouldn't come to the edge of the cage to pet him some more. I told him it was just for a min. but I don't think that he believed me. So I filled out the paper work and then Nicole and I went around and picked up a carrier, a litter box, and a couple toys. So he meowed all the way home, but as soon as I got him into my apartment, he explored for an hour and then he settled down. I am chomping at the bit to get home to him. :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

This weekend.

Well I managed not to have any plans this weekend and it was great. I ended up sleeping all day on Saturday. I managed to make it to the couch and that was pretty much it. I was sick all of last week and I just needed time to really recover. I watched the movie "Click" and then managed to nap a little more and then it was bedtime again. It was so nice to have a break and have noting pressing that needed to be done. I felt so much better on Sunday. It was still a lazy day but I managed to get to the store, drop off some mail at the post office, and return some library books. So I felt like I accomplished something even though it wasn't much. Hopefully I will have a better week than last week.

Next week is going to be so hectic that I need to be fully recovered. My friend Nicole is flying in from WA for a conference at the school she got accepted to and I want to spend some time with her. She is coming in on Wed. so hopefully I will either pick her up at the airport or eat dinner with her and her family that night. But I am also leaving on that Friday to go to Ohio. YAY for that. So it will be a busy week. But hopefully fun all the same.

Friday, March 16, 2007

A lot has happened in the past week

Here are the picture of the snow I talked about before and I finally managed to add them.

Ok so alot has been happening lately. Some good and some bad. Ok I will start with the bad first. I finally went to the doctors on wed. (ok that part is good, i have insurance :) But I have been complaining about my hip for a a month or longer. So I went in and filled out all of the paperwork. then went in and the doc was like this has nothing to do with your hip. She said is sounds like a pinched nerve in my back. That is not good. She is having me come back in for a full physical in a month and if it still isn't getting any better I am going to an ortho doc and possibly Physical Therapy. She even said the dreaded word sciatica. So I have been pretty down. Not to mention that this week I have been attacked by my allergies. I just wish the weather would chose something and stick with it. Hot or cold I don't' care...just constant.

For those of you how don't know I have had back problems since I was 19. I picked up a box wrong and over the course of 2 years I had 2 back surgeries and I was on lots of medicine. So i don't remember much of those 2 years other than it hurt alot. so to hear that my back may be bad or hurt again is a major deal to me. So I have been a little bit down, not to mention sick.

But there is some good news. I bought a kitchen table from Ikea. So that was exciting. I don't have any chairs yet but I have the table. Every Two weeks I can get a chair. It is a really cool table too. It expands from a square 4 person table to a rectangular 6 person table so that is exciting. I got it on Sunday and put it together myself. So that was fun.

And in two weeks I am going to Ohio. I finally get to see everyone. I am also picking up more furniture that my mom has been keeping for me. So that is exciting. Like before my aunt is going with me so I won't be lonely. So that should be fun.

Then after I get back. I am finally getting a cat. Or I am at least going to start looking for a cat. I haven't decided whether I am getting a cat or a kitten. But I know that I am going to pick the one that is the best fit for me. I don't want to just get a cat to get one. I want one the fits with me and "wants" to be my cat. I had been putting it off, I think because it would mean that I would have to be responsible for something besides me. That and I wouldn't be able to leave whenever I wanted or to go on a trip whenever. I think I kept putting it off because of that.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Scheduling my next trip

So I talked with my niece the other day and she was asking questions about college and how crazy her parents make her and everything like that. But here is the thing that got me. I knew that she was graduating HS this year, but it didn't really sink in until she asked me if I could be there for her graduation. I felt old and proud at the same time. :) So I know that I will be in Ohio for her graduation on June 1st. Because there is no way that I won't be there for that. I had hoped that I would have a chance to go to Ohio before that too. Maybe I can arrange to be in Ohio for Easter but I am not sure...that is when Anna will be in China. I don't want to be in Ohio and Anna not be there. I guess I could always spend time with Kim, my other niece. :) I might try to go earlier if I can but I just have no idea bout my schedule. -sigh-

Oh it snowed here on Sunday and I managed to take some pretty pictures of the trees covered by the snow. If I can figure out how I will add the pictures this week and the people who aren't still covered in snow can look at appreciate them. I am not sure you guys further north would.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well no cable for me

So I decided to get Netflicks the other day. I get 2 weeks for free and then it is only $18 a month, so I thought that was a pretty good idea. So I spent that night (I think it was Monday) puting about 200 movies and tv DVDs in my list of movies to get. I got the first 2 on Tuesday. Guess what I got first....I was so happy. It was MacGuyver the first DVD of the First season. That and the Guardian...that Coast Guard Movie. So that is exciting. I figured that it would save me money...I mean I am barely home to watch anything as it is and this way I can wathc what I want and not some crappy tv show during the week. It will be my stuck in the 80's TV shows and other movies that I want to see. (also, probably from the 80's) So we will see how it goes.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ok enough of the snow.

So ok I have had enough snow now. All I wanted was a little bit. Well it is not the snow so much as the ice. I have made it in to work today so that is good. But I looked at the weather for Ohio and it is supposed to snow all weekend where my mom lives. This is not good. I mean I would make it there on Friday and be trapped in the house with my family for 3 days and I wouldn't be guaranteed a way to escape...that and I have to be at work on Tuesday. But also did I mention that I stuck in the house with no way of getting out or going shopping or eating real food or only spending time with certain members of your family.

So I have to call my aunt and tell her we are not going. -sigh- That sucks. I really wanted to go. Darn weather. I mean I like it to stay home from work but I don't like it because it messes up my plans. But I did find a plane ticket to Dayton from BWI for $133 so that is good. Maybe I will just fly up with the temp isn't a negative number.

Now I have to come up with something to do over the weekend. Maybe a movie...or I could finally go an get my hair done. The possibilities are endless. Ideas are welcome. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Day

I have decided to avoid the Crazy drivers of MD and VA and stay home today. It is already snowing and it has covered my car. But I said that I would work from home instead(I brought stuff home to work on last night). So I am in comfy clothes and I opened the blinds to the sliding glass door and I am watching the snow fall. Maybe if I get industrious I will make hot chocolate later and do a little cleaning up.

So this weekend I am supposed to be going to Ohio. I am taking Friday off and since Monday is a holiday I am going to visit my family. So that is exciting. I am also asked my aunt if she wanted to go with me and she said yes. So we are leaving Friday morning and coming back home on Monday. I am excited because I am going to pick up some of the stuff that my parents have been keeping for me. Like my Rose china and some furniture. But with all of the snow here and in Ohio I am not sure if we will still go. I told them that I would make the decision on Thursday night/Friday morning. So we will have to wait and see. :)

Sorry Sarah I don't think that I will have time to see you on this trip. :(

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Yay for my own bed and outlets!

So I got back from Travel Sunday night and I have never been so happy to sleep in my own bed. I always feel so tired when I travel...It doesn't matter what or how much I do when I am traveling. I mean we got done most night real early but I was tired the whole time I was down in NC. Then I worked Sat. and drove back on Sun. so I didn't get a weekend. I feel like I didn't get anything accomplished. I mean that is when I run my errand and everything. So i got back and had to go to work bright and early the next morning. So I have been working since last Monday. But the good thing about this is that I am taking Friday off next week to drive to Ohio and I don't have to use a vacation day. So that is good. And we stopped at the outlets on the way back from NC. So that was good too. But I went in looking for pants and what did I find...shirts. I got 3 sweaters and 4 polo's. So that was good and all but I still need more pants...Oh well you can't win them all. :)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Time for Travel

Two exciting things...

First, I am notoriously bad about hanging anything on my walls...I don't know what it is but for a bunch of the different places that I have lived it takes me about a year to hang pictures on my walls. I guess because I am so used to them not being permanent so I never get too accustomed to the places I live. But yesterday I actually hung up my diploma's and some pictures. How cool is that and I did it in less than a month of living there. :) I mean that must be a record for me.

Second, I am traveling to Havelock, NC tomorrow for will be 58 degrees there on Friday... I feel like I should pack shorts or something. I am barely wearing my coat here because it is not nearly cold enough for me. I guess that I got used to the bitter bit of the cold up in NY and I came back here and it has been nothing this winter. So now I don't think that I should even bother taking my coat. And the cool part is that I am not leaving to go to Havelock until the afternoon so I get to sleep in...I will probably be caught in traffic the whole way down...but oh well. I guess I will live...maybe. :)

Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm a slacker

Ok so I have been slacking. I got nagged by someone, who will remain nameless, so I am posting. I got really busy at work and then I get home and I am so exhausted that I haven't made much of an effort to do anything other than get home and collapse. I don't know why it was different over the summer. Although it could have been that I was staying at my aunts and she would make dinner most nights. So I guess that maybe the difference. I feel like literally all I do is work, eat and sleep. I catch up on other things over the weekend like grocery shopping when everyone and their sister is doing it at the same time and I feel like I spend hours waiting in line.

I think that I slept all day sat. with a few sporadic wakeful moments. It was the best day yet I have so much to get done on the weekends. Like I don't know cleaning and laundry. -sigh- But at least I got somethings done on Sunday. And I was supposed to travel this week but it got postponed thank goodness. I just didn't have the energy for it. Hopefully I will for the following week.

Oh....I didn't tell you the best part. It snowed on Sunday. It was the light fluffy stuff, well at least the stuff that I watched fall. When I went out to clean my car this morning I had to break the snow off of my car. But it was still nice to stand outside in the snow for a little while. I didn't think that we were ever going to get any.

And maybe I will be better about posting but whose to say. :)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I am still alive.

Ok I have made it to MD. I managed to get everything here and basically in one piece. I moved into my apartment on Friday. I even have some stuff unpacked, so that is good. We came down from Albany on Thursday but we go here to late to move into the apartment that day. So we went over to the apartment on Friday morning and I signed all of the papers. The apartment is huge. I went from a studio to a 920 sq. ft. apartment. So I have all of this space. And best of all I have a door to my bedroom instead of a big open room. YAY!!!!!!!!

I have already had problems with getting a phone a phone though. It was supposed to be set up on the Friday that I moved in and I even saw the verizon truck there and i went in and hooked up my phone and there was no dial tone. I was so mad and could I call verizon and tell them that. Noooo I didn't have a phone. :) So I had to wait until tuesday because of the holiday. So they were like we can't have anyone come out until next week on monday(so basically two weeks or so with out a phone) and then I had to call billing and yell at them to say I am not paying for something that i don't have. (phone and internet). So it has been an interesting week.

This is my first day back at work. I didn't come into the office yesterday becasue if President Ford's Funeral because everything was shut down. So I worked from home and this is the first day that I had internet so I wanted get everyone updated. I will try and put in more tomorrow.