Monday, March 19, 2007

This weekend.

Well I managed not to have any plans this weekend and it was great. I ended up sleeping all day on Saturday. I managed to make it to the couch and that was pretty much it. I was sick all of last week and I just needed time to really recover. I watched the movie "Click" and then managed to nap a little more and then it was bedtime again. It was so nice to have a break and have noting pressing that needed to be done. I felt so much better on Sunday. It was still a lazy day but I managed to get to the store, drop off some mail at the post office, and return some library books. So I felt like I accomplished something even though it wasn't much. Hopefully I will have a better week than last week.

Next week is going to be so hectic that I need to be fully recovered. My friend Nicole is flying in from WA for a conference at the school she got accepted to and I want to spend some time with her. She is coming in on Wed. so hopefully I will either pick her up at the airport or eat dinner with her and her family that night. But I am also leaving on that Friday to go to Ohio. YAY for that. So it will be a busy week. But hopefully fun all the same.

Friday, March 16, 2007

A lot has happened in the past week

Here are the picture of the snow I talked about before and I finally managed to add them.

Ok so alot has been happening lately. Some good and some bad. Ok I will start with the bad first. I finally went to the doctors on wed. (ok that part is good, i have insurance :) But I have been complaining about my hip for a a month or longer. So I went in and filled out all of the paperwork. then went in and the doc was like this has nothing to do with your hip. She said is sounds like a pinched nerve in my back. That is not good. She is having me come back in for a full physical in a month and if it still isn't getting any better I am going to an ortho doc and possibly Physical Therapy. She even said the dreaded word sciatica. So I have been pretty down. Not to mention that this week I have been attacked by my allergies. I just wish the weather would chose something and stick with it. Hot or cold I don't' care...just constant.

For those of you how don't know I have had back problems since I was 19. I picked up a box wrong and over the course of 2 years I had 2 back surgeries and I was on lots of medicine. So i don't remember much of those 2 years other than it hurt alot. so to hear that my back may be bad or hurt again is a major deal to me. So I have been a little bit down, not to mention sick.

But there is some good news. I bought a kitchen table from Ikea. So that was exciting. I don't have any chairs yet but I have the table. Every Two weeks I can get a chair. It is a really cool table too. It expands from a square 4 person table to a rectangular 6 person table so that is exciting. I got it on Sunday and put it together myself. So that was fun.

And in two weeks I am going to Ohio. I finally get to see everyone. I am also picking up more furniture that my mom has been keeping for me. So that is exciting. Like before my aunt is going with me so I won't be lonely. So that should be fun.

Then after I get back. I am finally getting a cat. Or I am at least going to start looking for a cat. I haven't decided whether I am getting a cat or a kitten. But I know that I am going to pick the one that is the best fit for me. I don't want to just get a cat to get one. I want one the fits with me and "wants" to be my cat. I had been putting it off, I think because it would mean that I would have to be responsible for something besides me. That and I wouldn't be able to leave whenever I wanted or to go on a trip whenever. I think I kept putting it off because of that.