Friday, March 16, 2007

A lot has happened in the past week

Here are the picture of the snow I talked about before and I finally managed to add them.

Ok so alot has been happening lately. Some good and some bad. Ok I will start with the bad first. I finally went to the doctors on wed. (ok that part is good, i have insurance :) But I have been complaining about my hip for a a month or longer. So I went in and filled out all of the paperwork. then went in and the doc was like this has nothing to do with your hip. She said is sounds like a pinched nerve in my back. That is not good. She is having me come back in for a full physical in a month and if it still isn't getting any better I am going to an ortho doc and possibly Physical Therapy. She even said the dreaded word sciatica. So I have been pretty down. Not to mention that this week I have been attacked by my allergies. I just wish the weather would chose something and stick with it. Hot or cold I don't' care...just constant.

For those of you how don't know I have had back problems since I was 19. I picked up a box wrong and over the course of 2 years I had 2 back surgeries and I was on lots of medicine. So i don't remember much of those 2 years other than it hurt alot. so to hear that my back may be bad or hurt again is a major deal to me. So I have been a little bit down, not to mention sick.

But there is some good news. I bought a kitchen table from Ikea. So that was exciting. I don't have any chairs yet but I have the table. Every Two weeks I can get a chair. It is a really cool table too. It expands from a square 4 person table to a rectangular 6 person table so that is exciting. I got it on Sunday and put it together myself. So that was fun.

And in two weeks I am going to Ohio. I finally get to see everyone. I am also picking up more furniture that my mom has been keeping for me. So that is exciting. Like before my aunt is going with me so I won't be lonely. So that should be fun.

Then after I get back. I am finally getting a cat. Or I am at least going to start looking for a cat. I haven't decided whether I am getting a cat or a kitten. But I know that I am going to pick the one that is the best fit for me. I don't want to just get a cat to get one. I want one the fits with me and "wants" to be my cat. I had been putting it off, I think because it would mean that I would have to be responsible for something besides me. That and I wouldn't be able to leave whenever I wanted or to go on a trip whenever. I think I kept putting it off because of that.


Viki said...

I'm sorry Terye, because I didn't read most of your message, just the part about the cat. I agree that it is very important to pick a cat that wants to be your cat. That's what we did and we have three with very different personalities.

Don't worry because they're not too much in terms of responsibility, and you can still go away for a day or two and they're fine if you leave food and water. Plus, if you get them used to going in the car/in a carrier when they're small, they'll do fine on car trips...

Terye said...

Thanks. I am pretty sure that it will be ok. But I am still nervous. I hope to get a good cat. Time will tell and as soon as I get a cat I will put pictures up so you can see them. I don't know if I would want to take a cat on a car trip. My cousin does that all the time and she has had some good trip and some bad trips. :) But we will see.